Love Story

John says, “God is love”.  If we did not have the Jesus story we would say that among many other things God is loving. God is the great power, the supreme mover of all. God is the great judge to whom we are all answerable etc.  And this all-powerful judge is also in some way loving.  So we would remain unacquainted with the God who is love.

God is the love that brought the Father’s Son into our world as a helpless baby.  He was conceived in power as the Holy Spirit will come on Mary, and the power of the Most High overshadowed her.  And yet, the child conceived in power was born in weakness totally dependant on his mother’s care.  This helpless baby was all-powerful love among us.

God is the love that took the Father’s Son to the cross in order to restore our union and communion with God.  Yes, while we were yet sinners, alienated from the God who is love, His love was demonstrated towards us in the event of  Christ dying and rising for us.  He loved us unto the deep and dark abyss of death so that we might be raised with him into the very life of the triune God who is love.

Now, the God who is love pours His love freely into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.  And together we say, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”




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